La Ferme des Templiers in Somme-Leuze
The farm is included in the inventory of cultural heritage of Wallonia

The Templars
Ferme de Leuze is also known as ‘ Ferme des Templars ‘ the Order of the Templars was established in 1118, after the first crusades, founded by Hegues de Payen. The order consisted of monk soldiers with the main task of protecting the pilgrims on their journey to Jerusalem. By performing this noble task, the order received many legacies and donations and became an influential and very rich. So influential that Pope Clementinus the 5th decided to put an end to the order. On Friday the 13th of October 1307, he left a large number of Templars on the stake. Among them Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templars.

History of the farm
After his return from the Crusades in 1150, Jean l’Croisé, Lord Van Somal, donates the domain ‘ Leuze ‘ to the order of the Tempeliers.In 1255, this domain is renamed in historiography, but now as ‘ Commander Templière de Leuze ‘. Meanwhile, there is a farm, a watermill and a chapel on this estate. From 1314, the buildings are held by the Knights of the Order of St. Jean.
Remnants from a turbulent knight past
There is not much more of the original buildings. However, the high fortification walls of the farm rethink the turbulent history of yesteryear with knights, cross lords and their immense treasures…… the Grail! A memorial stone on the farm from 1765 recalls the fact that Jacques Laure le Tonnelier de Breteuil, commander of Villers-le-Temple, stayed on the farm during this period. From the watermill on the river ‘ The Leuze ‘ is nothing more than a ruin, the chapel has undergone the same fate. What is still known is the castle of Somal, about 5 km southeast of the farm, where the history of the Ferme began with the slogan. It is said that from the farm there is a subterranean corridor running to the massive castle in Somal. The castle that now stands on this spot was rebuilt in 1468, then it was often rebuilt and adapted to the prevailing taste, but it remains very well worth seeing. About 28 km north of Ferme de Leuze lies the Templars village of Villers-le-Temple, one of the last strongholds of the rich tempelier past. This place still exudes an atmosphere of times of yesteryear. Here you will meet Jacques Laure Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, albeit, now on a Ingemetselde memorial stone in the church wall which reminds of the fact that by a generous gift of Jacques Laure This church could be built

In the province of Namur, the Templars in Acoz had a small house with adherences. Another house was located in the parish of Saint-Denis in La Bruyère, near Namur. The house had a chapel, grounds and a mill. In The seventeenth century the building was badly damaged. South of Villers-le-Temple, on the border with the province of Liège, the Templars were lord of the villages of Somme and Leuze, where they exerted influence on all levels of justice and courts over the population. The house came into the hands of the order in 1255 and was equipped with a beautiful chapel, a watermill and many surrounding farmlands. Today the ‘ Ferme des Templiers ‘ from the temple farm, according to a legend, is still a subterranean corridor to the castle of Somal. In Beuet, between Namur and Gembloux stood the temple farm of Gérancourt.

In Hagrimont, near Marche-en-Famenne, the Templars were given a house in 1191, near the river Wame, along with surrounding areas of land and forest. In 1248, the domain was extended with a loan in Chenehem or Cheneu, a location now known as ‘ Moustaviet ‘, along the road to Nassogne. The commandery is almost completely gone, on a few pieces of wall after in a farm in Rochefot, along the Route de Marche
Entry in the Book of Jan host: the Templars
“The Ferme des Templiers”